How To Identify A Genuine Bible Believing Church

In this perilous timing, it might seem difficult and very tough
to locate a genuine bible believing church. Hence, through this message I
sincerely believe the Lord shall widen your knowledge on how to behold a
genuine bible believing church within or around your neighborhood.
Though, it might seem hectic in locating or identifying a
genuine bible believing church due to the adulterated sermon been
ministered today in most church. Nevertheless, the degree in seeking for
discernment spirit of the Holy Ghost in seeking out for a genuine
church can’t be over-ridden because Holy Ghost is our great comforter
and author of the church. He is the only person who is in rightful
position of leading us to the genuine house of God for fellowship.
However, before you determined to seek out for genuine churches
for fellowship, you must first embraced the full fellowship of the Holy
Ghost into your life. Likewise, pray unto God to overwhelmed you with
the spirit of discernment and ask him to leads and direct your foot step
to his church.

During this quest, you must never channeled your mind in
mega-city congregation or large cathedra mega building structure as a
genuine gathering of the saints, because the genuine church which you
dreameth to fellowship might be 5 block ahead of you.
But due to human perceptiveness you ignorantly refused to behold
such a glorious place. Probably, the street was tattered, bushy and
filled with pot-holes. Perhaps, the church might look so dirty and
unkempt without digital instruments of worship. This erroneous finding
might beguiled you from identifying such a glorious place as a genuine
church of God.
1. The pastor must be conscious of soul winning, instead of accumulating multitudes of soul without heavenly zeal. The pulpit messages must be focus in heavenly glory; such as rapture, repentance of sin, consequence of sin and danger of hell fire,
immersion baptism and baptism of the Holy Ghost, sanctification,
revival and awaken of brethren unto evangelism and heavenly zeal.
2 . The church must also enforce restitution and
discipline of compromised brethren. There must be godly fearfulness in
modesty dressing in the church especially within the women folks. The
church doctrine must abolished every form of ungodly dressing, women
trousers, earrings, jewelries, ornaments, necklace, wedding rings, mini
skirt, exposure of women seducing armpit, breast cleavage and laps and
ensuring of women head covering.
3. The pastor zeal must focus on gathering few
dedicated brethren to heaven rather than laying input in inspiration and
motivational messages, earthly riches and glory in quest of leading
multitude to hell.

Now if you look at today's church, it is so painful that Satan
have succeeded in hijacking and defiling several Church of God, by
replacing bible with mobile phone, ipads and Laptops which is totally
wrong. It is also wrong that many believers are using their mobile phone
to make calls during church service, doing that as a believer is sinful
in the sight of God and will lead you straight to Hell.

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How can you be making calls and the message of God is going on, that shows how disrespectful you are. I remember sometimes ago, i was attending a Sunday service in a church, when the pastor was quoting the bible verse, a young man on my side was using ipads to read bible while message was going on. Later on, he decided to whats-app a message to a friend but I rebuked him that such disrespectful attitude is wrong.

How can you be making calls and the message of God is going on, that shows how disrespectful you are. I remember sometimes ago, i was attending a Sunday service in a church, when the pastor was quoting the bible verse, a young man on my side was using ipads to read bible while message was going on. Later on, he decided to whats-app a message to a friend but I rebuked him that such disrespectful attitude is wrong.

As a true believer always learn from the early disciples, when
going to church carry your bibles, not ipads and phones. I am not saying
that having ipad is a sin, yes it is good to have ipads, androids and
phones but using it during church fellowship is sinful. It is the idea
of Satan to distract you from serving God, even some pastors use ipads
and laptops to preach in the church and that practice is totally wrong
and abominable before God.
If you are a pastor using Ipads and laptop to preach in the
Church that practice is very wrong. Yes Laptop is good, you can use
laptops or ipads to prepare a message, yes phones, ipads and laptops can
be used to preach the gospel on facebook, whats-app, telling people
about Jesus, sharing the gospel of heaven and hell testimonies
Also you can use Laptop to record the Pastor's message, just
like the instrumentalist use computer to do so. Yes that is
recommendable but using it to replace bible in the church is very wrong.
When a pastor calls a sermon use your bible, not ipads as bible, lest
it will distract you from following the ways of God.
As a pastor, if your church member is using ipad to quote the bible scripture, please correct them and encourage them to use their bible. If you want to use your mobile phone, it must be after the close of the service. Moreover, many Christian uses their mobile phones and laptops to win souls for Christ in social media but ignorantly losing their own soul to the devil through that same device due to ignorant.
Now let me ask you as a believer proclaiming that you are born again, when last did you preach to that girl you are chatting love messages with on social media? When last did you share the gospel of Jesus Christ to that girl, instead of preaching to her about repentance, you are busying chatting love message to her, remember you know very well that one day you will give account of that soul you luring into sin.
ALSO READ; How To Save The Perishing Soul From Hell Condemnation.
As a pastor, if your church member is using ipad to quote the bible scripture, please correct them and encourage them to use their bible. If you want to use your mobile phone, it must be after the close of the service. Moreover, many Christian uses their mobile phones and laptops to win souls for Christ in social media but ignorantly losing their own soul to the devil through that same device due to ignorant.
Now let me ask you as a believer proclaiming that you are born again, when last did you preach to that girl you are chatting love messages with on social media? When last did you share the gospel of Jesus Christ to that girl, instead of preaching to her about repentance, you are busying chatting love message to her, remember you know very well that one day you will give account of that soul you luring into sin.
ALSO READ; How To Save The Perishing Soul From Hell Condemnation.
Today, many Christians are using their phones to lure others to
sinfulness, instead of winning souls to Christ. It’s the idea of the
devil to deceive them to hell, no time to win souls, but they can sit
down 24 hours to preach and encourage some people about sex,
worldliness, worldly parties, listening to worldly music etc.
If you die in such pathetic condition, it will surely lead
straight to Hell fire. Its better you repent and win souls to Jesus.
Stop using your phones to make calls during Church meetings, it’s wrong
and that is sinful before Jesus Christ. But instead switch off your
mobile device while in church fellowship or put it in silent mode.
Hence, also avoid replacing it with your bible, when you want to
preach use your bible to preach to somebody but when you want to preach
online using the internet you can use your phone to do that or laptop,
but not while rendering service in church fellowship. You must respect the Presence of God.
The Devil's Playground
It amazes me today to see so many Church buildings being built.
So many pastors being called; so many sermons being preached; so many
prayers being prayed and yet people cannot seem to overcome sin and
their problems keep increasing every single day, especially people who
profess to be Christians.
After series of prayers, I asked the Lord why all this are happening. And that was when He began with me on the journey to "THE FALLEN CHURCH".
He said to me “I see my children gathered in churches to pray against
the devil "Lucifer" and all they do is to scream "Holy Ghost Fire, Fire
Fire" as many times as they can. They got home tired and exhausted and
yet nothing happens. You see, it's because they don't really know who this devil is, let alone how to overcome him”
My son, do you remember what Lucifer did in heaven some time
ago? "I couldn't answer" You see, the devil is not scared because you
scream Fire-Fire-Fire. This is someone who was able to persuade and
pervert 1/3 of my angels who were with me. Do you know what angels are
made of?
![]() |
Lucifer |
Psalm 104:4 "Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire" My
angels are made spirits and are covered in flames of fire, yet Lucifer
was able to corrupt their Divine nature and convert them into demons.
And my children on earth think they can overcome him by just screaming
fire? Even those who were made with fire fell to his schemes, how much
more you who are flesh and blood?
My son, I will show you how to overcome the enemy so you can save MY CHURCH and other souls hungry for my salvation. You see, the strategy of the enemy will never change. In the Garden of Eden, he used what was around man to destroy what was in man.
When the devil attacks your finances, it's not because he needs your money, because Lucifer doesn't spend money in the dark world. He doesn't attack your marriage because he wants to marry your spouse; he doesn't attack your car because he wants a new ride. You see, when the devil attacks any of these things, it's because he has realized your heart is connected to them. So if he can touch them, then he can touch your heart and destroy you. The devil will always use what is around you to get what is in you.
My son, I will show you how to overcome the enemy so you can save MY CHURCH and other souls hungry for my salvation. You see, the strategy of the enemy will never change. In the Garden of Eden, he used what was around man to destroy what was in man.
When the devil attacks your finances, it's not because he needs your money, because Lucifer doesn't spend money in the dark world. He doesn't attack your marriage because he wants to marry your spouse; he doesn't attack your car because he wants a new ride. You see, when the devil attacks any of these things, it's because he has realized your heart is connected to them. So if he can touch them, then he can touch your heart and destroy you. The devil will always use what is around you to get what is in you.
But Christians today are more mindful of what is around them,
more than what is in them. My children are more scared of losing money
than losing their soul and that is why they can never overcome the
devil, instead of setting their heart on fire through purity and
righteousness. They are rather praying to set fire around their
business, money, cars, future.
It’s a pity seeing my Church walk in deception. They have
believed in this deception that there was God the Father who was always
angry at sin, and there is Jesus, the Son who also now smiles at sin and
says. As long as you have your church's membership record
intact, you have a fat wallet to keep your pastor always smiling, you
have a few bible verses you can memorize, a nice voice to sing about me
and a deep voice to preach me, you can do anything you want and live
My Church is in trouble. But I will still save those who want to be saved. So go and spread this message to all men, delivering them from the venom of Sin. Tell them to be more mindful of the sins that corrupt the soul, than the witch that stole their money, because if a witch can steal your money, it's because it first corrupted your soul through sin"
My Church is in trouble. But I will still save those who want to be saved. So go and spread this message to all men, delivering them from the venom of Sin. Tell them to be more mindful of the sins that corrupt the soul, than the witch that stole their money, because if a witch can steal your money, it's because it first corrupted your soul through sin"
After this ministration from the Lord, I also felt pity for the
Church. If the devil is able to capture your heart by making you live in
sin, he has power over your physical materials. Proverbs 4:23
says "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues
of life" Keeping something diligently is more like guarding it from any
external influence but unfortunately, the Church today is seriously
guarding physical materials and we have sold our soul so cheap to the
That's why we don't care living in sin and immorality but we are scared of not getting a marriage partner, or not making a lot of money. We scream Holy Ghost fire-fire-fire, while our heart is as cold as winter. We have neglected the messages that prepare people for the second coming of Jesus Christ and all we talk about is how to make money and be prosperous on earth.
And the more the messages of Repentance, Holiness, Fear of God, Heaven and Hell are neglected, the more sin increases, and the more sin increases, the more the Churches fall before Satan. 1 Samuel 12:20-25 And Samuel said to the people “Do not be afraid; you have done all this evil. Yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty.
For the Lord will not forsake his people, for his great name's sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you a people for himself. Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you, and I will instruct you in the good and the right way. Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you. But if you still do wickedly, you shall be swept away, both you and your king"
That's why we don't care living in sin and immorality but we are scared of not getting a marriage partner, or not making a lot of money. We scream Holy Ghost fire-fire-fire, while our heart is as cold as winter. We have neglected the messages that prepare people for the second coming of Jesus Christ and all we talk about is how to make money and be prosperous on earth.
And the more the messages of Repentance, Holiness, Fear of God, Heaven and Hell are neglected, the more sin increases, and the more sin increases, the more the Churches fall before Satan. 1 Samuel 12:20-25 And Samuel said to the people “Do not be afraid; you have done all this evil. Yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty.
For the Lord will not forsake his people, for his great name's sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you a people for himself. Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you, and I will instruct you in the good and the right way. Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you. But if you still do wickedly, you shall be swept away, both you and your king"
The fallen Church will only be mindful of building an
extravagant building with broken souls living in it. That is reason why
there are many Christians speaking in tongues in Church today and yet
addicted to all kinds of secret sins, and they will tell you "We are living under grace" as if grace is a license to sin.
ALSO READ; The Danger Of Attending Fake Modern Churches.
Lastly, without repentance, there will be no Revival and we all shall be left with is noise making. I believe you have just behold the godly principles and ways of identifying a genuine bible believing church and major problems or challenging face the church of Christ. As i have always said; there are two members in every church--The Observers and the participant. Are you an observer in your church or a participant? It't time to work because there is no much time available.
ALSO READ; The Danger Of Attending Fake Modern Churches.
Lastly, without repentance, there will be no Revival and we all shall be left with is noise making. I believe you have just behold the godly principles and ways of identifying a genuine bible believing church and major problems or challenging face the church of Christ. As i have always said; there are two members in every church--The Observers and the participant. Are you an observer in your church or a participant? It't time to work because there is no much time available.