The Miracle In African Nation Of Zambia

The glorious miracle that erupted in Zambia during the peak
regime of former president of Zambia “Federick Chiloba” was a
heartwarming encounter to behold, even while watching the video of his
attestation of handling the nation of Zambia unto God and declaring it a
Christian nation drew tears from my eyes.
I was emotionally pricked in heart while beholding a godly
fearful leader of twentieth century ruler of a nation declaring a nation
unto God as Christian nation. In 1991; the Nation of Zambia held its
first democratic elections in which the first elected President of
Zambia “Fredrick Chiluba” emerges as the winner.

Fredrick Chiluba was a Born again Christian and the foundation
in which this humble servant of Christ laid, and his bold declarations
of the Lordship of Christ opened the hearts of a nation to the Gospel.
This is one of the reasons there is such an open door for the gospel
over the nation of Zambia today. Honestly, it pierced my heart to behold
such a spiritual stunt leader who declared a whole nation for Christ
Jesus after hailing from Prison-walls to become the first elected
president of Zambia in 1991.
In 1993, I can recall vividly how the fearful and indomitable "Chi Polopolo "
of Zambia national football team were vanquished in Atlantic ocean
during a tragic plane crash. A generation was lost, dream shattered and a
nation wept. Nevertheless, the newly elected president stood inside the stadium and gives outweighing spiritual words of comfort.
Yet, despite the tragedy lost; he lift up his eyes to heaven and gives
thanks and worship the great "I AM who ruleth in kingdom of men”

A year later; the newly recruited Zambia soccer team shock the
whole continent as they proceed over to Tunisia 94; African cup of
Nation and trailed gloriously to the final stage of the
tournament---which signifies that God honored the recognition of his
name in the kingdom of men. This true leader was great because he was
humble and truly fears God, his believes and prayers were astonishing to
behold from a twentieth century president of a nation. Below is excerpt
of his astonishing prayers while standing before the whole nation of
Zambia during the moaning of the death of national football soccer team
of Zambia.
"" Fellow citizens, let us pray---Oh God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob. We beseech thee this morning, we ask you dear Lord even as i
declare Zambia a Christian country, i rededicate this nation and submit
it to you, that you make your decision and rules over us. We know God
there is no king that appoints himself---there is no one that was born
president. You alone appointed you alone removed; glory be to your holy
name. Lord; we submit ourselves to you, believing and trusting that we
are in transit---Naked we came and Naked we go; blessed be your holy
ALSO READ; The Vanities Things Of Life.
There is nothing we will takes back with us. These young people,
our brothers who pass away didn't ever know this was their time. They
are no more sinful than we are and glory be to your Holy name for we
don't know our day. Because you love the world so much, that you gave your only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall never perish, but shall have an everlasting life. John
3;16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall
abide in the shadow of the Almighty. And we shall say unto the Lord, you
are our refuge and fortress, God in him and in him we trust. Psalms
91:1-2 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall
abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my
refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Father we thank you and bless you. Father we ask you to look
kindly upon this nation. Look at your people, they are disrupted. They
are in deep distressed. They are deprived but you near us, with your
angels guarding us. Yes; we have lost but we knew you will sustained us
and you will keep us. We seek peace thou God; the peace that cometh from
you and not the peace of the world but the peace that passes all
understanding---The peace of God.
Oh Dear Lord Jesus, I re-dedicate this nation as a Christian
nation. I know we are at war against the devil but the devil can never
win because he has been defeated on Calvary---The Calvary that brought
us peace and the peace we shall enjoy in this nation; Father we thank
you and we bless you.
I dedicate the cabinet that oh Lord you may dwell with the
ministers that they may know they are not there because of their power
and strength. We are not there because we are cleaver men and
intelligent men and women-----we are there because you have asked us to
do your will and to your people. We are messengers and you are the king
and ruler of this nation.

Father we surrender whatever we have unto you whom brought me
here in order to proclaim your name as our GOD. [A minutes sober of wept
and tears] Father i thank you—[sobbing] I THANK YOU LORD. Father; i
want to promised before your people and this nation, that your name i
will continue to proclaim; and we shall never surrender to injustice. We
will uphold the name of Jesus as our Lord despites this tragedy that
devastated us today.
We know there was a man you trusted called "JOB";
who lost all his 10 children in one day; all the cattle and all the
sheep he had. But ooh God, you knew that he trusted you. Even in this
dark moment of our nation, Lord i ask this nation to join me to proclaim
Lord Jesus as our Lord, to proclaim you God as a ruler of this nation.
Federick Chiloba was born in April 30, 1943, Kitwe, Zambia and
later Died: June 18, 2011, Lusaka, Zambia at the age of 68 years but the
heartwarming godly message he sent to the whole continent during the
funeral of the Zambia National football team in 1993 will continue to
propel in the heart of many and it will surely stands as a testimony in judgment day against presidents and rulers of nations who refuse to acknowledge the presence of God during their administrative works.
The above transits remind us of the glorious exploit of Nehemiah
in the scripture, who stir the faith, passion and love of God upon the
heart of remaineth of Israelites who escape captivity. He charges them
to re-built Jerusalem and her fallen glory and also strengthens and
restored their heart unto God. Nehemiah 1;3-4 "And they said
unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the
province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem
also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire. And it
came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and
mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven"
The Former President of Zambia; Federick Chiloba is an epitome
of great leader which God desires in every tribes and nations of the
world. The first president of UNITED STATE OF AMERICA; President "George Washington" once said; "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible" but today what has become of United State of America? How terrible are the might fallen?
A country which founding father's laid her foundation on "IN GOD WE TRUST"
has now become a place of desolate and abomination---abolishing prayers
and preaching of the Gospel in schools and higher institutions and
unveiling of gay marriage. What can i say about my dear country
Nigeria?---THE GIANT OF AFRICAN which present economic recession is fast
erupting because we have forsaken righteousness and refuse to embrace
and acknowledge the only begotten son of God as our Lord and savior, but
rather decides to appoint an unbeliever to govern the affair of a

This is the greatest mistake and certainly nothing vital shall
come out from it unless the national pillar returns and be restored unto
godliness in which I believe can be achieved by collective prayers of
Christians. Moreover, I have a dream that one day; my dear Nation
Nigeria shall be governed with GOD and BIBLE by special grace of God.
I also want to encourage all the brethren to always commit the
affair of their country unto God because it’s only prayer can cause God
to melt mountain, pierced the rock and dried the ocean in quest of
transforming the spiritual life of someone and cause such person to
yield under the mighty conviction of the holy ghost.