Emmanuel Agyarko is teenager from Kumasi in Ghana. He started seeing
visions when he was a child but it was once in a while. However, around
2009 it increased, and the Lord has shown him many visions since 2009.
He has been to heaven and hell on numerous occasions.
"On 24th November 2011, in the afternoon after I had come home
from school, I found myself taken to hell by the LORD to be shown
various things. This is not the first time I have been taken to hell, I
have had other encounters, and however this particular visit is
different as it has many warnings to people who are still on earth. It
is my prayer that all who read or listen to this testimony would take it
serious and make sure they avoid hell at all cost and align themselves
under the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ and prepare for His Coming.
I saw four pastors in hell, who were there because they did not pay
their tithes. One was called Albert and another was Daniel, a pastor of
Church of Christ and this church does not believe in tithing. Daniel
said he told his congregation not to pay tithes as it was no longer
necessary. He was in hell for basically two things: first of all, he was
not paying tithes himself and secondly, because he also stopped others
from paying it.
For Albert, his church believed in paying tithe, but he thought it was
meant for only the congregation and pastors were excluded from paying
it. He wished he could come back to earth to start over again and pay
his tithes. The other two pastors also did not pay, and one of them,
thought simply he did not think he had to pay it even though he knew he
should be paying it, and the other thought ministering before God is not
working, so he thought there was no need to pay any tithes.
As I walked in those pits, I then was shown many pits full of ladies who
used charms to get husbands to marry them. Some used lipsticks, facial
makeup kits to seduce men. In one of the pits, I saw a woman named Ama
Gyamfua who attended Church of Pentecost, she went for charms from a
fetish priest so she could control her husband like a dog; this is why
she was in hell because of using this evil charms. Next to this, I saw
another lady called Mavis who had a pink lipstick on her mouth. She
collected this seductive lipstick from an occult man, and it was meant
to manipulate men to lust after her and she would cause men to by all
means look for money and give it to her.
I then saw a young lady called Vivian who seemed to be around 24 years
old, she had filthy clothing on her in the form of a short indecent
dress, and she had long acrylic nails, glossy looking lipstick and a
scarf on her head. She was in the pit because she went to idols for
charms such that, whenever she slept with any man, she hijacked the
semen of men to be used for witchcraft rituals. Through her acts five
men died. These rituals were made so she would obtain money. She said
she used to dress indecently and in a seductive way whilst she was on
earth, and lived at Kwashieman in Accra, Ghana.
And as I was contemplating the scene above, I turned to the other side
where I saw a certain woman who was a pastor’s wife on earth and she was
called Alice. She also went for charms to charm her husband. She said
she was a witch and went for charms. She put her menses in a palm nut
soup together with other things for the husband to eat. From that
moment, the husband became like her son so she could control and
dominate him. She tied the husband and locked him inside a spiritual
She also killed some of her church
members and when she died, she was immediately thrown in hell for what
she had done. As the Lord took me in this tour, I also shown a man
called Kwame, who was into occultism. He had a ring on his manhood
(Sexual part) which made it possible for him to charm prostitutes. So
after sleeping with the prostitutes, he then killed them and used their
body parts in witchcraft rituals for other people.
From this scene, I was then shown a tall man, who went for a charm to
seduce young girls to come after him for sex. He had sex with about 1000
girls and was at the University of Ghana, Legon in Accra, Ghana. He
went for penis enlargement and was given some things to plant. This
spiritually nailed him to hell, and so in hell he has been nailed in his
pit in hell. He was also a youth leader in his church, and had sex with
many girls in the church.
I later saw a pastor/evangelist called Francis who was in the Methodist
church. He went for a charm such that anything he said was not refuted.
He said when he proposed to girls, they could not resist his charms and
He was also a gay. I also saw a lady newscaster from Ghana who had died.
She had facial makeup on; this was given to her by an Indian occultist.
The purpose was to get fame, favor and love from people. She eventually
died from diabetes. I then saw seven pastors, who had died in Ghana,
and they were all in a secret society, and they were dressed like that.
They were all prophets and had magic rings, which they used to perform
miracles and prophesy in their churches. They were all screaming in
READ ALSO: 23 Minutes In Hell By Bill Wiese.
I also saw a gospel singer who died in Ghana, he said he was a pastor
and he went to an India man to help him sing. He said this man gave him
some oil and made him burn some incense and had a ring that gave him the
authority to release many albums. He was required to sleep with women,
so in the church he slept with most of the women. In hell, large worms
were just going through his body and he was seriously burning in the
fire. He also had the number 666 written on his forehead.I saw a man
called Abednego, who had a chain around his neck. Whilst on earth
whenever he went into danger he used to vanish to escape from death. He
eventually died and is now in hell fire eternal suffering. I saw some
Ghanaians wearing different rings, gold, silver and brass, and they were
all members of secret societies.
I was then shown a former finance minister from Ghana, who was in hell
for being a member of a secret society and also because of acquiring
evil powers to give him a smart brain. I also saw a pastor from Ghana
called Alfred who had consulted the queen of the coast for empowerment.
He had a ring and a white handkerchief. The handkerchief was for
healing, and the ring was for casting out demons. The heat of his
torment was seven times more than the others who were there for charms.
I then saw a lady from Nigeria, who also used charms to charm her
husband so that when the husband would die all the property would be
willed to her favor; unfortunately this woman died and found herself in
hell fire. I then saw various students with bags at their backs. These
were from primary, junior high, senior high and even university. These
students went for charms to help them to be smart learn, hence they were
brilliant in school. These could not complete their education and they
all died. I also saw some students from a famous school in Kumasi,
I saw many medical doctors in hell, and one of them was called Dr.
Frimpong who when He saw me, starting saying that when he became a
doctor he was afraid, so he join a secret society where he was given a
ring to protect him. He died in an accident and found himself in hell
fire. I saw many lawyers, judges and justices all burning in hell fire.
They were all part of secret societies and also consulted demons for
their protection. They had rings that protected them whilst they were
I also saw a girl I knew personally at Kwadaso in Kumasi. She went to
consult a fetish so she could snatch her best friend’s boyfriend. She
died a shameful death afterwards and she is now in hell.
I then saw a man called Budo who was at Buokrom in Kumasi, Ghana when he
was alive. This man was so strong and powerful that even the police
were scared of him. He told me, “he went to Satan for powers to be very
strong and powerful, he had protection against; guns, knives, spears,
and all other weapons”. He said “the powers made his body like a metal,
so even a bullet would only mark the body but cannot penetrate and he
had to sell his soul to the devil in order to achieve that.” This man is
also now in hell and suffering as the demons use red-hot spears to
pierce his body and tear his body apart.
I then saw prostitutes who were being chased around by demons in hell;
these demons were raping these girls in the midst of the fire. These
girls went for charms to help them to conduct their business as
prostitutes, so that they could not be harmed or killed. One of them was
called Joana and she said “I had the power to vanish when there was
danger”. All these girls were in hell fire suffering seriously.
I saw one woman from Ghana called Aunty Afua. She went for holy water
from a prophet in Ghana with a big gallon. She treated the water as her
god. This water was demonic and when she died she ended up in hell. I
also saw Frank who was also from Ghana. He went for a handkerchief from a
prophet, so that anytime he rubs it on his face, he gets favors
everywhere he went. This handkerchief was demonic, and he died in his
I then saw at a distance away, a valley and there were about ten
thousand people burning in the larva of fire there. The demon was
laughing and mocking them and said, “all these used our magic rings”.
When I got close I just knew the name of one man in the group, called
Pastor Afriyie from Ghana. He said, “he went for a ring for healing”.
There were about two thousand pastors in that section of hell for using
magical rings. These were from different countries in the world. I was
then shown a young man I knew in Kumasi and had died. This man was
handsome and when alive and he had many girlfriends. He was in hell for
fornication. I then saw a hot band around his waist which was burning
him and cutting him. He said these are the useless things I went for
whist on earth.
I then saw five demons with big bags containing different currencies and
these were being taken to those who did charms for people to get rich
on conditions that they would sell their souls to satan and die after
some years. For those who engage in these activities, as soon as you
agree to this, you will have tied your soul in hell and immediately you
die, the demons would take you to hell fire. I saw the fetish priest
tell a man that he would live for seven years, but in reality this would
be divided into two and this man would die only after three and half
I saw a 43 year old fair looking Nigerian woman who was in hell fire
because of shedding innocent blood. She stole a month old baby from a
hospital to be used for witchcraft rituals. She placed the baby in
wooden container and pounded the baby to death. She then added a
yellowish –green oil mixture and transformed this into US dollars in the
spirit realm. She was rejoicing over and shouting, money, money!
This woman was being tormented by demons with 3 prong forks and telling
her “you, wicked woman, praise Satan! this is all that you did when you
were on earth”.
I then saw another lady who whilst on earth slept with many men, and
afterwards, she collected the condoms and drained their semen into a
container and took it to a fetish for money rituals. This lady
eventually died and she is now being tormented in hell fire.
I then saw another section in hell in a valley overflowing with very hot
larva. The sign at this place read “mockers of God”. Those in this
section of hell had large golden rings on their fingers, and this made
it possible for them to heal, cast out demons, turn curses into blessing
and performed many signs and wonders while they were on earth. These
were only those who used golden rings. I then saw the demon in charge of
that section, saying: “these people are there because of using magical
rings to perform miracles”. Each of the souls was in a pit which was a
shoulder deep. These people were from many countries but I saw two who
were from Ghana. One man from Nigeria said “God, save me!”, and a voice
said “I never knew you”. Lucifer then came to that section of hell and
laughed sarcastically and uncontrollably.
I also saw Princess Diana, and she was there for witchcraft and in hell
she looks a bit deformed. She had a protective ring from India, but this
obviously failed to save her on that fateful night.
One of the people I also saw as part of a group of musicians was Michael
Jackson. He had an Indian magic ring on his hand which made him to call
on high powers of Satan. He said “I went for a ring from the devil, he
gave me fame and riches and voice like that of an angel, and now I am in
hell suffering forever without Christ.” It was this ring from India
that gave him the high celebrity ranking and obtained power to sing
amazingly. He is also among those who used charms during their life time
on earth.
I then saw a former Nigerian president called Sani Abacha in the royal
part in hell, where most world leaders go to. He said “he caused the
deaths of many thousands of people so he could use their body parts for
rituals”. I then saw Col. Muammar Gaddafi, who was recently killed by
the rebels in Libya. He said “he is there because he didn’t believe in
Jesus”. I was shown how he lived his life on earth.
He had a magic chain which helped him vanish when the NATO forces and
rebels attacked him. However, on that fateful day, after bathing he
forget to put on the chain he got from an occult grand master in India.
He said, “I should tell all Libya, sons and wife to turn to
Christianity”. He said “he is suffering terribly and if they do not
change, they would all end up in the place where he is”. He even said,
“those who killed me should not come here”. He then requested for a drop
of water.
The Lord then showed me a scene of people buying things on earth and
going straight to hell. The shop was in Ghana, however, there are many
all over the world and they sold demonic items used by the false
prophets in their churches and by the fetish priests. These items
included; red, black, blue, magenta, purple and green candles, different
demonic oils, powder, water, padlocks and other items used in the
churches which used these things and all those buying these demonic
items were walking straight to hell, because these items were used for
occult practices in the churches and fetish. The
Lord then told me, that any time anyone gets a charm to do anything,
that person automatically becomes a candidate of hell, as the name will
be eventually written in hell. I then saw a demon in hell holding a
container in his hand with many different rings. The demon then said
that these are the rings being given to people on earth for charms. The
rings were for protection, healing, spirituality, magical powers,
knowledge and others.
I was then shown many bottles, and some demons were taking them to earth
to be used by people who charm others and imprison their souls in
bottles in the spiritual realm. Anyone who charms others becomes one
with Lucifer and would end up in hell for punishment. I was shown
various celebrities, members of the judiciary and politicians on their
way to hell for using charms to help them perform well, attain high
positions and also become famous.
I saw one popular actress in Ghana, who places a charm in between her
breasts so that she would charm people. She and many others also using
charms to act were on their way to hell. I also saw many gospel and
secular singers who were also on their way to hell for using charms to
perform and record their albums. I was shown body builders who were
using certain potions to smear their bodies so they would be strong and
win laurels. All these were all their way to hell as well.
I then saw a 12 year old boy who was a footballer. I asked the Lord why
he was there, and The LORD said, because he was into occult. His
teacher led him into this practice so could be a great footballer. He
was taken to an occultist for charms and special oil to play well. I
also saw another footballer from Brazil. He went to a wizard to help him
play in the league. He refused to go back to thank the wizard, so he
died on the pitch one day whilst playing a football match. I also saw
Marc-Vivien FoƩ, the Cameroonian footballer who died during a football
match in France in 2003. He went to the Queen of the Coast for powers to
play in the African Cup of Nations.
After obtaining the powers, he was supposed to sacrifice his mother to
the queen of the coast, but refused to do it. So during that fateful
day, a spirit from the water kingdom struck his heart and killed him
instantly on the pitch. So he was in hell for the occultism. In hell I
saw him holding a human skull.
I was then shown many teams and their supporters on their way to hell
through the tunnels. The first team I saw was Chelsea Football Club,
they were being led by Ivanovic, and followed by the other players in a
straight line. They all had divers’ items in their hands; some had
incense, oil, sacred rings and other things. I was then shown how all
those who followed and supported this team with their hearts, were all
following them in the tunnel to hell fire.
I was then shown Ronaldino and certain young boys in the age range of 8-
13 years. These boys were learning to play like him. I then saw a
strange looking demon, in the various forms, namely form of a woman, a
monkey and had wings like a bat. This is the demon that helps him to
play well. So when these boys started rehearsing, this demon manifests
and enters them. I saw him and all his fans, supporters and the boys who
are seeking to play like him walking in the tunnel on their way to
The next football star I saw was Kaka. He had a bible in his right hand
and a football in the left hand. I then saw a demon come to him, and
told him “follow me and I would show you the path of lie”. This demon
then took the bible and placed it in his left hand and the football in
his right hand. Sadly, this demon was leading him to hell too. I then
saw a man who told him in Portuguese that you can be a Christian but
everything you want to do in football I would do it for you. This man
then did some rituals and a demon appeared, then he put some liquid upon
his head and the demon entered into him. He then began to play
skillfully. I saw Brazilian teenage footballers all following him to
I was then shown some people who were walking silently to hell, and they
were the Brazilian football teams. I asked the Lord Jesus, what have
they done and he said it is because of idolatry. This because Football
is a god and those who support it will eventually end up in hell. I then
saw Pele went into a cemetery at night to invoke a demon, this demon
came to the players and strange oil was rubbed on them and were asked
not to touch any woman. Then I saw a strange demon, with the head of a
man, but the body of calf. This demon was leading the team including the
old players like Pele and others. I also saw the majority of Brazilians
following them silently to hell because of the passion for football.
I saw many footballers using rings, special oils, and other occult
paraphernalia to ply their trade. However the sad thing is, all these
players were walking straight to hell together with their supporters. I
saw the France football team also being led by Zidane and other former
players. Their fans and supporters were all following them to hell and
after this, I then saw the Egyptian national team being led by Abutreka
and all were on their way to hell as well. The team was being led two
demons in the form of cows.
The major demon which helped them win the African Cup of Nations seven times was Osiris.
I was then shown all the teams of the world including the National team
of Ghana, the Black Stars being followed by their supporters and fans. I
then asked the Lord Jesus why is it so, and He said because they all
belong to the enemy and are involved into the occult practices. Then the
Lord said “I should warn that no one who is into occult can come to His
I saw all the football clubs arranged in levels on their way to hell
silently and followed closely by their fans. All the young boys who are
following the professional footballers were all following them to hell.
Some of these boys do not go to the fetish themselves, but their
teachers and coaches go for the occult powers and give them the items
and instructions on what to do.
I was then shown two Christian teams playing a football match, and
demons came there in the form of bears to sit and watch the match. They
were so happy and waving. Other demons also appeared from the ground to
manipulate the match as though they were the coaches and even when
Christians where playing a match, the demons had a right to be present,
because football is a game which was designed by Lucifer to deceive many
into hell.
I then saw a different church match and one man went to consult occult
to win the match. He was given a clock to go to cemetery to sleep there
from 12 midnight till 6am. He then placed the clock near the opposing
churches pole so they would win the match. The other team too had a man
go to another fetish who gave him a strange liquid which he sprinkled on
their jerseys. The demons then possessed the players and they played by
the power of dwarfs on the field.
I also saw a 17 year old American boy called Phillip. This boy had a
spider tattoo on his back. He said his friend told him it would protect
him from sickness. I then saw Lucifer pass by him mock him. This boy was
in church and thought he was going to heaven. Unfortunately this boy is
in hell now because of the tattoo. Lucifer then said, “All those who
use tattoos, serve me”. I saw many other people in this section of hell,
all because they have been tattooed on their bodies.
I then saw Lucifer transform himself into a young man with many tattoos
on his body, with body piercings and mocking them by quoting Leviticus 19:28 ''Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
In hell a red hot metal had been attached to the tattoo designs and
they were in much pain. I saw one boy who said he did not know about the
consequences, he had just imitated a friend doing it, so he also did
same. However, this boy is also in hell in much pain for having a tattoo
on his body.
I moved a little further and I saw this young man in a pit of fire with
earrings on the ears. He said he went for seducing power for girls to
fall in love to him; he also had a ring he used to seduce both men and
women to have sex with them. Most boys and men use this to seduce girls
to have sex with them. This is also another occult practice that is
going on now because a demonic spirit enters into the boys or men who do
this and their lives are influenced negatively.
I was then shown a library in hell, the room was very black with three
candles, red, blue and black, but they melted though they were burning. I
saw the book of Mormon , books on astrology, white witchcraft, satanic
bible, books on evolution, Sixth and seventh book of Moses, Hip-pop
bible, Book of Changes and other demonic books some of which are used by
various religions. Those using these books ended up in hell. I also saw
many Christian books and Lucifer then said “my spirit lives in the
books and any book that has not the Spirit of God in the book is filled
with my power”. He also said “any book that can lead people to hell is
stored in that room”. People have to be careful the books they read even
including Christian titles.
After I came out of the room, I was taken to a section in hell where I
saw soldiers. These were soldiers when they were on earth from different
countries. They were in a pool of fire burning. They went for
protection against gunshot and other weapons. Some had the power to
vanish others had clothes that were gunshot proof. They did all sorts of
occult practices for their protection whilst on earth. Each of them had
666 written on the forehead. There were huge demons brutalizing these
soldiers and torturing them. The demon in charge there was 19 feet and
looked like a frog with three eyes. I saw a Ghanaian soldier who had a
very sad story, he was into martial arts and when he died a demon
dragged him to that section of hell. Most people do not know, but all
those who practice martial arts would end up in hell fire too.
I was later shown two people who were in hell for smoking. So people have to know that smoking would take them to hell.
I also saw a man who called saints when he was on earth, and this was
classified occult and he was suffering greatly. After wards I was taken
back through the tunnel and I came back to earth.
Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to
You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I
have lived; I need your forgiveness.
I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious
blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing
to turn from my sin. You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.
Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I
believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept
Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right
now I am saved. Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved
me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to
license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus
transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and
not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal
life. Amen.