The Danger Practice Of Oral Sex In Christian Marriage
Oral sex satisfaction between married Christian couples is abominable.
It's is a sin because it is an act of masturbation. That was not an
original purposed of God in creating Eve for Adam. Eve was created for
Adam for the sake of reproduction, multiplying and replenishing the
whole earth surface. However in this message we are going to be
discussing the below topic on the reason and facts about the danger
practice of oral Sex in Christian Marriage.
When Christian couples indulges into Oral sex it profited nothing
because it obviously work contrary against the original perfect will of
God for creating SEX. Internet pornography is leading millions into the
lake of fire. God’s Holy Spirit will speak to man but not forever if
they don’t listen.
If you are a Christian who practices oral sex, and masturbation, Gods
Spirit brought you to this online evangelist ministry to read the truth.
But he will not speak to you forever to convince you its wrong, even
born again Christians who are not totally pure. The Father is a God of “Order” he designed our sexual organs to interact with one another and that’s their purpose.
When we use these organs in another place it’s called perversion or
twisting something from its original use. Oral sex is both a perversion
even inside of the marriage Covenant and is a homosexual act. The world
thinks you possess “Power” when you are receiving oral sex from
the woman, but on the contrary, the woman feels like she is in power
when she is performing on the man.
So, Satan’s sex is the embodiment of deviance, that’s why it always
feels wrong, and right now you can feel that guilty conscience sprouting
inward of you. It’s simply because God’s “Spirit” is uprooting your conscience to stop this filthy act. Did you know that you are actually engaging in a lawless power exchange?
The man is actually putting himself into “Bondage” and you are being deceived by Satan. The woman is gaining a false sense of power, but “You” are now subject to the sin. The Devil is administering a false sense of power through illegal sex and forbidden oral sex.
This power exchange has not been ordained by God, so it transpires
consequences like addiction, diseases and countless dirty dreams that
can harvest in the psyche for up to fifty years. Oral sex is a trap, for
anytime you gain dominion outside Gods will you are a “Rebel.” You are in direct rebellion against the spiritual realm.
The “Demon” spirit of oral sex must be cast out in Jesus name.
The spirit of oral sex can infiltrate our dreams where she will open
doors with her mouth. This is the symbol of the Demon with an ambience
of power. Satan’s minion has mastered the filthy method to advance the
world system, just look at the people who use oral sex to get what they
want in jobs, the music industry, for money, and wives.
People have been adopting the spirits tradition for years to advance in
the material life. Don’t be a hypocrite and try to justify sin, I have
exposed the truth and a righteous person acknowledges the truth so what
are you? God wants mankind to glorify him in humility and grace, not a
perversion. Even nature warns us it’s nasty, don’t be fooled by the “Human nature” which belongs to Satan, “Spiritual” nature expresses it’s a sin.
How can a pure Holy God watch a man-made in his image and likeness think
consuming bodily fluids, urine and faeces has any place with the
communion of Jesus Christ? So-called Christian Pastors brainwash its
“Ok” to do apart from a few Holy Spirit blessed people who want to
“Save” the souls.
If you are commanded by God not to defile the marriage bed you have gained knowledge, but if you continually practice oral sex your conscience is seared by the nagging Spirit of God.
Slowly over time, you will adopt a taste for it, then an appetite, and
later an addiction, proven today by many women who can’t even orgasm
without oral sex. The Spirit of oral sex actually reprograms the body to
not respond properly, and we become “Bound” to sin. You acquire an appetite for it just like Eve got a taste for the sin in Eden.
The Devil can drive many straight people to become homosexual just
through the act of oral sex. There are penalties that come from
rebellion so learn to read the Bible with the Holy Spirit. Denial is not
only verbal; you can deny the Maker with your actions, silence and oral
sex. True born-again Christians are not like other people; we represent
the truth, not a watered-down gospel, and are “Obedient” till death.
We are not trying to sustain life here on earth; we are establishing an
eternal life with God. True born-again Christians are different and
humble and we have “Ears” to hear, so let him “Hear.” How many people
truly understand the third book of the Bible Leviticus and its purity
message all throughout?
So, ask yourself if you symbolized cutting up your body as a burnt
offering and your heart was pleasing to the Lord, but your sexual
organs were not because you masturbate and watch porn, or your mouth is
cut up to only find that you lie, and participate in oral sex would it
be pleasing to the Lord?
READ ALSO: Ways To Overcome Sexual Immoral Thoughts.
God requires all human beings to use our sexual organs for what it was
intended for, sexual intercourse within marriage blessed by God with
purity in mind, and our mouths for eating, reading the Bible, singing
psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, worshipping God, proclaiming the good
news, teaching our children correct biblical knowledge, prayer,
honouring our wives, Mother and Father and speaking love to one another
with humility and peace.
So, if we cut up our body parts symbolically we are proclaiming to the
Lord we will repent and never use these parts of the anatomy ever again
to dishonour God or sin. Here is my all my body and everything is yours
so come and consume it, which in-turn the fire of God comes on the
The all-consuming fire is a picture of the baptism of the Holy Spirit;
we have to pay the price totally for salvation and greater rewards in
heaven. More than 95 percent of believers do not have much discernment,
so be careful and learn from Leviticus as it contains a lot of wisdom.
Participating in oral sex as a married Christians diminished you as a
believer and that is reason why you don't seen to find that boldness in
discussing it with your brethren. It will watered down your christian
esteem and makes you look dirty, even your conscious mind can attest
unto this fact, because while indulging into oral sex, the spirit within
always itched that you are breaking the godly principles and definite
use of your body parts.
Oral sex is dangerous and also a sinful practice among married
Christians couples. Oral sex is disgusting and dirty before God. It
contradict the actual plans of God for both marriage and sex. It's
selfishness and immoral act. Hence, failure to repent from this sinful
practice of oral sex among Christian couples will always result into
severe a consequence. James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
This is exact reason why many genuine christian homes are suffering and
been afflicted in sorrows and problems because they had refused to
inquired from the Holy Ghost about the source of their problems.
Majority are been afflicted by an unknown spiritual attack as a result
of the loophole and gate of sinfulness been opened to the enemy due to
the involvement in oral sex. To be continue in next topic "The Scriptural Condemnation Of Oral Sex In Christian Marriage"