Is Oral Sex Sinful Or Acceptable In Christian Marriage
This is one of the controversial topics emitting today among Christian
homes and also in the church because many pulpit don’t feels bold to
speak or preaches about it. And in this update we are going to look into
this controversial issue sprouting among Christian couple. However in
this controversial message we are going to be discussing the below topic
on the reason and facts which signify if oral sex is sinful or
acceptable in christian marriage.
- Is Oral Sex Sinful Or Acceptable In Christian Marriage.
- The Danger Practice Of Oral Sex In Christian Marriage.
- The Scriptural Condemnation Of Oral Sex In Christian Marriage.
- Oral Sex Is Sinful And Must Be Avoided In Christian Marriage.
Howbeit it’s not surprising to behold some Christian’s married couples
who indulges into oral sex with the notion that they are legally married
and has every godly or heavenly right to implement oral sex in their
matrimonial beds. The Lord God Almighty is a perfect creator. He created
us in his own image and likeness. We have…
- Eyes for a definite purpose for sight.
- Nose for perceiving odor and breath.
- Ear for sense of hearing.
- Hands and legs for general operations.
- Mouth specifically for eating and communication; and
- Tongue for sense of taste.
All these body part performed a definite function in the body. The Lord
further carved-out the genital organs for a definite purpose;
- The penis for definite purpose for urinates and sex.
- The vagina for urinate, sex, child birth and
- The anus for defecate.
Hence, as a Christian who understand God's creativity standard; how will
it sound or seen when a married Christian couple forbid the genital use
of vagina or penis and starting making use of the anus (homosexual) for
penetration? Doesn’t it sound abominable before the sight of God? We
must also recall to memory, that this exact reason why God destroyed the
city of Sodom and Gomorrah?
READ ALSO: God Will Destroyed Humanity Again.
Secondly, how does it seen for a married Christian couple to forbid the
natural use of their genital organs such as penis and vagina and begins
to inter-exchange the penis to the mouth (soaking) or to the hands
(jerking), and likewise the inter-exchange of the vagina with the hands
(fingering). What can we called this disgusting act?
This is horrible before God. This act is known as masturbation at the
expenses of not making the right godly body organs which serves for it
definite purpose. Masturbation either practice within the aid or the
help of the husband or the wife in the marriage, doesn't justifies the
fact that they both break the heavenly law ordained by God in marriage.
Sex is originated from God and it's meant to be practiced in marriage
and not through the aid of artificial means or an inter-exchange of body
parts. The act of sexual intercourse is natural and must be practice
naturally and not using artificial means. That is horrible before God.
The natural and biblical means of sexual engagement involved the use of
genital organs, the penis to the vagina and not otherwise. This is
scriptural and biblical. It's naturally endowed and honored by God while
the uses of hands to please one another or massaging of the clitoris or
jerking of the penis is horrible and disgusting before the sight of the
The hand must not run downward to the genital organ. It’s artificial means of pleasing one another sexually and not naturally as been recorded in Genesis.
A Beloved sisters share with us about her opinion on oral sex and it read thus…..
“I have never been totally comfortable giving oral sex. To be honest, I
have always felt dirty doing it. My husband loves it and asks this of
me often. I have refused him, and it has caused arguments. He says I am
sexually frigid and stuck up. Recently our arguments have gotten so bad
that I threatened to leave him. I am so angry at him”
In such state as a married woman, the best you can do is to indulge in
praying and fasting for your husband, through prayers the Lord will
opened his heart and eyes to behold the same dirtiness which you saw
about oral sex while practicing oral sex as married Christian couple.
The act of romance is always welcome in marriage, such as kissing and
touching of the sensitive parts of the body such as the "neck" (woman),
"chest" (man), breast (woman). But the hand must not go down below the
genital region. The genital organ must be use for the genitals purpose
and not contradicting with the hands.
The hand must never be used for penetration or trying to make a woman
reach her orgasms. That is evil and also an act of masturbation. We
can't help God in his creativity, so the genital organs must always goes
for genital organ and not contradicting. Nothing is wrong with touching
or romancing one another before sexual practice between married couple.
The husband and wife are duly free to stimulate one another by getting
each other activated for sexual intercourse. It's not sinful but it
depends on the region part of the body where such stimulation occurred.
However romance or touching one another for "sexual stimulation"
always deals with kissing (mouth to mouth and NOT mouth to vagina or
penis). While the act of touching one another for sexual pleasure always
deal with romancing of the sensitive part of the body "neck" (woman),
"chest" (man), breast (woman).
Nevertheless during foreplay activities, the private part of the body
which is penis and vagina must never be compromised. It's called "private organ" because it's sacred and only meant to be used for it definite purpose. Those private part organs must never be tampered with "inserting of the hand into the vagina" for sexual stimulation or "jerking off the penis with hand" for sexual stimulation.
This act is abominable and irritating before God and it’s called
masturbation. We don't contradict the word of God because of marriage.
Marriage is a Holy foundation and it's the root of the church. Marriage
is not a carnal play ground where the abominable things of the world are
There must be different between Christian couples or believer marital
lifestyles and that of the world because we are the epistle and light of
the world. There must be a Holy practice and that is reason why we are
in the world and not of the world. And that makes us different and
Is oral sex a sin? "Yes" oral sex is a sin and those who have
deceived themselves into thinking that oral is not a sin have been
blinded by the god of this world. Oral sex is a sin and sodomy, and
should not be practiced among genuine Christian married couple who has
the mindset of making heaven.
Anything that isn't vaginal sex is sodomy.
Sodomy is any sexual act that cannot lead to procreation, hence anything
that isn't vaginal sex, is sodomite. So, as a married couple and if you
unfortunately behold yourself into this horrible, abominable and
disgusting act of practicing of oral sex, I plead you indulges into
repentance and seek for God's mercy because God is not mocked.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Let
us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his
commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring
every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good,
or whether it be evil” The mouth must be to mouth (kissing) and
penis to vagina (sex) and not be inter-exchange for oral sex because the
end thereof is eternal doom in Hell. To be continue on next topic "The Danger Practice Of Oral Sex In Christian Marriage"