The Secret Danger Behind Worldly Dressing In Life Of Christian
For many years sister Agnes has being suffering in the hand of a
spiritual husband. Most often, the spiritual husband who is unknown to
Sister Agnes uses to come in the night, and will mess up with her.
Many at times Sister Agnes will behold herself with pregnancy while the
dream and whenever she awoke up from dream, she always feels the
symptoms of pregnancy but yet still barren. Medically, she and her
husband are healthy and confirmed fruitful but yet, she has no child of
her own.
At times she will behold herself giving birth to a child in the dream,
such that whenever she woke up from the dream, her breast will be heavy
with a milk drop, and yet she has never given birth to any physically
child. She has fasted and pray but no solution while the spiritual
husband keep telling her she belong to him because Sister Agnes invited
him into her life and she still has his properties (Let’s Stop Here).
Many Christian women are suffering from these same afflicted problems of
spiritual husband. They are confused, dejected and tired for seeking
for deliverance due to fruitless labor incur while in search of
solution. Most of them have resolved everything unto God and patiently
waiting for Heavenly visitation.
The cause of this ugly incident impel due to their ignorant. Many women
have ignorantly soul-tied themselves with spiritual husband due to worldliness and sexual immoralities and apparently suffering from the negative effects of their foolishness.
The Lord Jesus who asked us not to love the world or anything in the
world, is not crazy neither does he want us to serve him under bondage,
but he knew that the things of the world has being polluted, and it may
looks right in eyes of men but the end is destruction.
1 John 2:15-17
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any
man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that
is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the
world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of
God abideth for ever.
Many cloths and things we used today are demonic possessed, using them
physically has no effect because it looks good, but if the Lord opened
your spiritual eyes to behold what you wore on your body you might
For examples, most of the perfume many people uses today, if God will
open your spiritual nose to perceive the odor, you will suffocate,
because of the horrible odors, and if he open your spiritual eyes, you
will faint because of the legion of maggots on you, but physically,
these things looks good in eyes of men but spiritually poisonous and
Many always love to dress in a modern way, they want to follow the world, the world is civilized, we don’t have to remain in bondage of old skull dressing, we need to move to where the world is moving to — forgotten that the world is moving towards destruction.
Most of the time, whenever you put on these seductive cloths, do you
think you are only seducing physical being, but ignorantly you are also
seducing demons at the same time. The more you capture the attention of
men, so also you are capturing the attention of unclean spirit or
spiritual husband and ignorantly you are inviting unclean spirit into
your life.
My beloved sisters, you need to understand that dressing in a seductive
way can only attract a wrong man to you, who will only want to take you
as a wife just because of your seductive apparel but after few years,
you will found out that you have gotten a wrong man because "beauty doesn’t keep a man but rather godliness and dignity of such woman"
These same acts also occur in the spirit realm because whenever you
dressed seductively, it will attract spiritual husband which is also
same as wrong men. Verily verily I say unto you, whenever you seduced
three men per day, be very sure you have also seduced 33 unclean
spirits because your evil motives will surely grant you an evil result
or do you think an unclean spirit or spiritual husband cannot be
Genesis 6:2 “The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose” These
sons of God are not Angels of God but demons, they were destroyed by
the flood of Noah, and that was what makes them lost their physical
body, but still they still maintain their spirit form for their day of
destruction is yet to come.
Thousands of clothes often wear by women are originally manufactured
from the bottom of the sea though it may look mysterious but that is the
fact. There is another real world under the sea, but can only be seen
with a spiritual eyes.
Each time they ship-in their demonic products into the Earth it often
imbibed with terrible covenants and the moment anyone uses any of such
bewitched materials, immediately an unclean spirits assigned against
such products or material will emerges and defiles the victim.
Today you can behold many of our Christian sisters who still entangled
in immodesty dressing, they hated to be corrected and also find it
difficult to annulled worldliness as a result of the defiles materials
they have used which have possessed them, because the spirit of Jezebel
is behind many of those materials they used. And they had ignorantly
entered into a covenant with Jezebel. Jezebel is not a human being but
demon, who only came to setup immorality and false doctrines.
Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, is just a
priestess who came to introduce Jezebel, but the real Jezebel is a
demon, not human. Now read this part; “whenever the children of
Israel want to worship in the temple of Baal, after their normal
sacrifice, they began to worship Baal, through adultery and fornication,
sleeping with each other in the temple and every one of them will be
This is the food offer to Baal because immorality is the system used in worshiping such god. That was why Jesus said in book of Revelation 2:20 that Jezebel teaches and seduce my servants to commit fornication, and eat foods offers to idols.
The people they always commit immorality with might not necessarily be
someone they know, but that is the system of worshiping Baal, picking
anyone they found in the temple and start committing immorality with
him/her. This kind of doctrine looks good in eyes of Israel when Jezebel
introduced it, and that was also the tactics Balak the son of Zippor /
Balaam used against them.
These same Jezebel is known as Venus worshiped by the Rome, those of you
who have watch the Movies, Rome and Spartacus, you will found out that,
this same goddess rule over the city of Rome, and they see adultery and
fornication as nothing.
It may looks like ordinary movies, but that is exactly what is going on
in that country. Many time Paul talk so much about the Romans, such that
they even applause those who practice such immoral acts, for they see
it as nothing. For it’s a normal ways of worshiping Venus / Diana This
same goddess is also behind gays and Lesbians, (Romans 1:26-27) So how does these relate to secret behind worldly dressing in life of Christian?
If you still dressed like Jezebel, believe it or not, you are a follower
of this same goddess called Jezebel, and either you like it or not, you
must worship her through immorality, fornication and adultery directly
or indirectly.
Today, many Christians cannot do without committing fornication. They
are addicted and found it difficult to control their bodies, many of
them cannot do without masturbating, many constantly have sexual
intercourse in dream with unknown Man/women at times with image of their
wife, husband or boy/girl friend, not knowing they are demons, all
these are foods offer to this same spirit — Jezebel.
Though it’s not their own willing to commit sexual immoralities or
lustfulness but it’s due to the sacrifice they must offered unto Baal
because of the deep blood covenant they have entered into unknowingly
with the spirit of jezebel and could not find a way out.
When the Lord said, love not the world or anything in it, he HAS already seen the strategized plans of Satan against Christians.
That was why he said; do not love things that are in the world, because
Satan controls the things of this world. Satan is the prince of this
world and entangling yourself in worldly or immodesty dressing will
defiles you and chase-off the spirit of God that dwells with you.
Genesis 6:3 My spirit shall not always strive with man and in Ezekiel 7:22
My face will I turn also from them, and they shall pollute my secret
place (your body): for the robbers (unclean spirit) shall enter into it
(your body), and defile it.
Many has gotten initiated into the worshiping of Jezebel through jewelries, eye pencil, perfumes, attachments,
seductive clothes, demonic creams, women trouser (pant), relaxers, etc,
while many have also got initiated with this Jezebel spirit through
false religions like Catholicism ritual who glory in Holy saints — The same Jezebel is refers to as mother of gods.
Many have also got initiated through white garment churches
that relied in honoring and calling of heavenly being during prayers.
Many also got initiated through sex outside marriage, movies and worldly
music’s, while some through birth, but majorly it’s through make up’s
and materials things.
Don’t assume that Satan will give you a gift and just turn back without
any consequence. He will present unto you things to use to seduce your
opposite sex, but let me tell you the fact, if you seduce 3 men, 33
demons too must be seduced and they will get hold of you because they
are everywhere. Many want to dress beauty and classic and not mindful of
it consequence.
There was a particular lady cloth that came out some time ago called SEX ME ON.
Do you know the meaning and it effect? Many also enter into a covenant
with Jezebel with the help of Medusa, because they want to use hair
Don’t you know medusa was cursed because of her seduction and end up
committing adultery even in the temple of her superior? Many men desire
to have her and through her immoral way of life, she became cursed, but I
tell you, using her items, will not only make men desire you but also
demons will desire to have you.
Why changing or bleaching the color of your skin with a cream prepared by the marine spirit —The Queen Of The Coast? Or don’t you know she also exhibit the same demonic enterprises?
These are the genesis of your problems, that’s why you have a lot of
kids in the marine kingdom but physically you have none, you always
behold yourself pregnant in dream but physically you have no children.
You are due for marital breakthrough but still single. While some
marriages are presently in crises due to the same worldly dressing found
in your wardrobe.
Many Christians think because they have accepted Jesus Christ — Becomes
born again and for this cause there is no need for spiritual
deliverance. Though you have truly confess Jesus as your Lord and
savior but you must also break the covenant between you and that spirit
man/women, empty your wardrobe and burnt those Jewelries, Makes-ups,
Attachment, seductive dressing, mini-skirt, women trouser (pant),
perfume or else, Satan will still use it against you when you die.
But before you can achieve this, you must be ready to do away with the
things of the world and break all those covenant. Because it became
worse for some people after given their life to Christ, the spiritual
husband that do comes once in a while before, will start to come 6 to 7
times in a week,
Then they start regretting of giving their life to Christ, but I tell
you now "all you need is to break that covenant you have entered into
during the time of ignorance, because the spiritual husband/wife knew
you have given your life to Christ and you are about to escape from
them, so that when they oppress you more, you will renounce your faith. Remember,
having intimate relationship with harlot makes you one, the same also
apply to these spirit being, you must break it with the blood of Jesus
Many Christians spent much of their time in watching movies or soap
opera full of immoralities. Many listen and sing any music’s they
believe it’s nice in their ears. Moreover majority of this love music’s
(rhythm & Blue) you listened were sang by satanic agents, and it’s
all directed to demons behind the music.
Many Christians spend much time in watching Nollywood, and Hollywood’s
movies stars full of immoralities. Watching the boobs of Angelina Jolie,
Maria Carey, Jennifer Aniston, Ini-Edo, the bosom of Jakie Appia, the
laps of Tonto dike, the Booms of Jenifer Lopez, and Shakira snake dance
and sometimes they always wish to be like Beyonce — You Are Possessed.
Don’t you know that many of these movies stars are satanic agents? After watching them, then you found yourself kissing and romancing those artist in your dream — You Are In Trouble.
Many Christians before having intimate relationship with their wife, they will first have to watch pornography movies. (Let me tell you some secrete)
Those pornography movies stars, many of them are not real human but
demons; you are having relationship with your wife with help of demons — You Need Deliverance.
My beloved in Christ, don’t think Jesus hate you and he want you to
suffer. Moreover this is reason why he keeps denying you from all these
make up, bleaching and worldly entertainments etc.
Presently if you are victim of this worldly dressing, the Lord is using
this medium to instruct you on the basic needs to disposed them and get
your body, soul and spirit sanctified by his blood through the aid of
this teaching, in order to save you from all these troubles, and also
form eternal damnation in Hell.
1st Corinthians 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
1st Corinthians 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
The Lord doesn’t want you to defiles yourself with the things of the
world because every make-up, bleaching, artificial, attachment,
Jewelries and seductive dressing will always engineered spiritual
husband and wife to torment and afflicts both your financial and marital
Before I conclude, I want you to know this fact; running from one
pastor to another will only put you into more bondage. You are the one
to break those covenants yourself without the help of any men of God.
You must first repent from your sins and give your life to Christ
without allowing any worldly thing to snatch you from him again and set
those demonic properties ablaze, after your salvation prayer, and then
destroy those blood covenants with the blood of Jesus, and you will
never remain the same. If you need more help in prayers, you can make
use of the prayer request form.