Divine Revelation Of Artificial Hair And Punishment Of Women In Hell

We are created in beauty of God's glory and also commanded to uphold outward purity of God's creativity in us as a Christian. "I
beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is
your reasonable service, Romans 12:1.
We are the first born of God's creature, the royal priesthood and possessor of the kingdom of God. We are never worthy of such glorious entitlement because of inherited sinful nature in us. "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light, 1 Peter 2:9.
We are the first born of God's creature, the royal priesthood and possessor of the kingdom of God. We are never worthy of such glorious entitlement because of inherited sinful nature in us. "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light, 1 Peter 2:9.
Hence, the Lord, due to his tender mercy and unconditional love
upon humanity; he abandoned his heavenly arrays of honor and came in
human nature to be offered as a sacrificial lamb for the redemption of
humanity. Jesus Christ dies a shameful and terrible death
for reconciliation of humanity unto God; a horrible death which the 24
elders and arch-angels refuse to dies for the sake of humanity.
Yet, because of his love toward us; he came and offered himself
freely to be crucified at the cross of Calvary. However, it's
unfortunate that majority are still crucifying the Lord second time due
to their unrepented sinfulness, been professed through their outward immodesty appearance in the church.
This unfortunate immodesty dressing in the church is mostly beholds among the women folks. Today, you can hardly distinguish between the church and the world. Today; the church is becoming worldly and you can hardly distinguished or differentiate between a prostitute and a Christian woman.
This unfortunate immodesty dressing in the church is mostly beholds among the women folks. Today, you can hardly distinguish between the church and the world. Today; the church is becoming worldly and you can hardly distinguished or differentiate between a prostitute and a Christian woman.
No different between Deborah and Delilah; today both look alike
due to lustful desire of fashionistas in midst of Christian women while
competing with the world. Furthermore, the church has been engineered by
perverse doctrine from the pit of Hell; hindering her from embracing modesty dressing in the church.
Nevertheless; today we are going to treats the second part of
these godly messages which associates with immodesty dressing in the
church, based on women artificial hair and attachment. In first part of
this message, we treated about the......
Hence, we believe the first part of these messages has been
digested and also serves as sources of blessing and eye opening unto
those who sincerely cares about their soul in eternity. Moreover, this
messages wasn't meant for everyone because “My sheep hear my
voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal
life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out
of my hand, John 10:27-28"

However; we also encourage every Christian women who which to repent and turns away from women artificial hair and attachment, to diligently hearken unto below Divine Revelation Of Artificial Hair And Punishment Of Women In Hell Fire (due to their disobedient to godly warning and probably due to ignorant) and ensure they seek for genuine repentant of heart today, because tomorrow is never promised.
We like to note that, below divine testimonies of punishment of
Christian women on artificial hair and attachment in hell fire are
authentic. Moreover; there are series of false divine encounter of
heaven and hell spreading abroad on the internet. Some of these
revelations were ordained from the pit of hell while some are merely
human vision, assumption or imaginations, while few where commissioned
from God.
Howbeit; this reason why eternity-race online ministries don't
focused mostly on divine revelations or testimonies. We only shared
divine revelations of heaven and hell based on the guidance and
instruction of the Holy Ghost.
The first encounter of punishment of Christian women on artificial hair and attachment in hell is culled from Ubani Kingsley revelation; titled end time revelation and time is up. Evangelist Ubani Kingsley hails from Nigeria and his ministry is presently in Abia state Nigeria, where the Lord is using him gloriously in kingdom service.
Jesus said to me, “do you know you are leading many to hell? I asked him how, and he said “whenever
people asking you about how they should keep their hair, you keep
telling them not to use wool or attachment, but they can make use of
plastic thread. Don't you know that rubber thread is also an attachment?

Then he ask me to follow him to hell that he want to show me
something, on getting there, he brought out a woman out of the pit of
fire, and he said to me “son look at this woman. She is a member of Deeper life bible church. She
heard that it is a sin for a woman to plait her hair with any thread,
but she didn't believe it. When she died, she was found guilty of using
thread to plait, and as a result of that she went to Hell”
When I look at this woman, she plaited her hair with plastic
thread. The woman was pleading for forgiveness but it was no granted to
her, but was sent back to hell. However, I asked Jesus why he didn't
forgive the woman.
He said to me, “the woman was given several warning, through divine revelations by people but she refused, instead she took herself to be perfect in all her deed. Assuming she has taken correction, she would have saved many, because she was a model to many, but she has led many to hell, so she must go back to Hell”
He said to me, “the woman was given several warning, through divine revelations by people but she refused, instead she took herself to be perfect in all her deed. Assuming she has taken correction, she would have saved many, because she was a model to many, but she has led many to hell, so she must go back to Hell”

However, while she was asking for mercy, she wanted to move
closer to Jesus Christ when, a loud Voice said "Go back! And a terrible
wind came and carried her back to hell fire. Really, this shocked me.
Jesus said to me "no woman should plait their head with any type
of thread. No woman should add anything whatsoever to her hair. I never
asked them to use those things, human being did.
Tell women to keep their head natural, they must not
apply any dye, relaxer to it and they must not weave their natural hair
with any artificial materials. They should comb or plait it alone. Tell
them to remove their wedding ring because it's not I who ask them to use
it but human did. I hate both wedding ring and other rings”
Dear reader, while Jesus was telling me these things, something
happened. I saw a person who was being accompanied by demons. Whether
she was a girl or a woman, I cannot tell. All I knew is that she was
female. Just as they were passing by, she shouted “Jesus! Save me!” Somehow, by stroke of unmerited favor, he responded “Stop!” and all the demons stopped and bowed down to Jesus. He ordered her to come.
When she came, Jesus asked her the reason why the demons were dragging her to Hell, and she replied that because she was wearing earrings, artificial hair, and trousers. In addition, she said “My pastor told us that wearing earrings and trousers, and wearing artificial nails and hair is not a sin; that God does not look at the physical appearance of a person but at the heart. And now I am about to suffer for these things”.
When she came, Jesus asked her the reason why the demons were dragging her to Hell, and she replied that because she was wearing earrings, artificial hair, and trousers. In addition, she said “My pastor told us that wearing earrings and trousers, and wearing artificial nails and hair is not a sin; that God does not look at the physical appearance of a person but at the heart. And now I am about to suffer for these things”.
Then Jesus ordered her to go back to the world and tell people
what she saw and heard. She was dark in complexion, but I could not tell
if she was Nigerian or not. As she went back to the world, Jesus said
to me, “Now let me show you some of the people in hell because of the wrong teachings of the WORD they received from their pastors”.
Then Jesus said to me, “all these people brought up here are
those that have been deceived by their pastors and ministers. Some were
told that Hell is not real; some were told that God is not wicked enough
to punish his people with fire – that God is loving, merciful and
gracious forever. Some were told taking alcohol, or selling them is not a
sin, and that the Bible says that one should take little and not get
Some were told that smoking is not a sin and that it is good for
keeping the body warm. And some were told that indecent dressing or
dressing like the unbelievers is not a sin, that what matters is not how
you dress but how your heart is with God.
ALSO READ; The Doctrine Of Modesty Dressing In The Church.
ALSO READ; The Doctrine Of Modesty Dressing In The Church.
Some preachers told their members that it doesn’t matter what
you wear and come to church, whether your head is covered or not, or
whatever – that the church is God’s property, operating now under grace
and no more under the law – that these things are just law. But now is
the time when all who will worship me, will worship in truth and in
spirit (John 4:24).
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in
The second divine revelation of artificial hair and punishment of women in hell is culled from Evangelist Margret Osasumwen Amure revelation of heaven and hell. She hails from Edo state, Nigeria where she is presently executing her gloriously ministry.
There was a question I had earlier asked the Lord before now and
he promised to answer me later. I reminded Him then, and the question
is, why are there so much women in hell compared to men? He beckoned on one woman to come and answer me. She was like a woman with no hair on her head.
The woman began to speak, “When I was on earth, I never knew it is a sin for a woman to wear trousers, for a woman to paint her lips because it is the blood of our brothers shed by Satan in road accidents and that the weave-on (attachment) we wear is from the head of dragons, that wearing of jewelries has been turned to idol’’.
ALSO READ; Danger Of Putting Women Attachment And Relationship With Medusa.
I now asked her; why she is not wearing weave-on (attachment) now. She answered that upon her death; a dragon came from the ground and removed the weave -on (attachment) from her head because it is his property. The issue of jewelry got me worried and I thought of my own collection of jewelry and I now asked the Lord quoting Exodus 3:21-22.

The woman began to speak, “When I was on earth, I never knew it is a sin for a woman to wear trousers, for a woman to paint her lips because it is the blood of our brothers shed by Satan in road accidents and that the weave-on (attachment) we wear is from the head of dragons, that wearing of jewelries has been turned to idol’’.
ALSO READ; Danger Of Putting Women Attachment And Relationship With Medusa.
I now asked her; why she is not wearing weave-on (attachment) now. She answered that upon her death; a dragon came from the ground and removed the weave -on (attachment) from her head because it is his property. The issue of jewelry got me worried and I thought of my own collection of jewelry and I now asked the Lord quoting Exodus 3:21-22.
That you are the one who asked the children of Israel to ask the Egyptians for jewelry, spoil the Egyptians and wear those things. He smiled and asked me to read Exodus 32:1-6. Children of Israel asked Aaron to make god for them from their earrings. Jesus said on that day, there were tears in heaven because ‘I knew what it cost me to bring my children Israel out of Egypt’’.
He said it was from that day that God cursed anything jewelry,
either gold or silver or anything you put on to adorn the body
because; my father is a jealous God. He asked me to give humanity this
scripture Isaiah 3:16-24, Ezekiel 7:19-21, Proverbs 6:16-19, Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:8-21.
He said there are two reasons why you must not put on these things;
- It defiles your body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
- These things seduce men and send them to hell. Men are my mighty on earth and many of them have been seduced and sent to hell.
He said when women put on these things and men see them, they
tend to lust and in the process, they are condemned to hell. He also
warned that lipstick, cortex, mini-skirt, ornaments, beads, trousers on
women, chains, rings, ornaments, jewelries, and all worldly dressing
should be done away with. He warned that the choice of making heaven
lies with individuals and that if people decide not to come to heaven;
He has enough creatures that would worship Him for eternity.
I now asked the Lord that is it not in the scriptures that God
only looks at the heart and not the physical body in terms of what we
wear? He now asked me to open to Romans 12:1 which I did and it
read :’I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which
is your reasonable service.’’ He said; every part of you carries me’’
The third encounter of punishment of women on artificial hair and attachment in hell is culled from Brother Michael Thomas Sambo --Revelation Of God's Holiness And Judgment during his third Visit To Hell. He is presently pasturing as a pastor in Nigeria.
From that gate, Jesus took me to hell so that I could hear what
make some people end up their life and Christianity in hell fire. When
we arrived to hell, a young lady saw me afar off and shouted, "Oh, have you come to help me out of this place?" I could not respond to her question.

Then she began to tell me the story of her life. She said, "I
was a member of a Pentecostal Church. My pastor told me that wearing
trousers, as a lady, was not a sin against God. He also said perming or
jerry curling my hair, bleaching my skin, using lipsticks, plaiting my
hair with attachments, were never sins against God.
But the very day I arrived here I discovered that my
pastor had deceived me. Can I ever forgive this man? Now it is too late
for me. Can I ever leave this place?" While she talked, hell roared and she was swallowed up by its waves and tides.
I did not see her again. She said these things she indulged
herself has prevented her from truly serving God and have condemned her
to hell and she vowed never to forgive her Pastor due to the immodesty
doctrine but it already too late.
The fourth encounter of punishment of women on artificial hair and attachment in hell fire is culled from Sister Adelaida De Carrillo revelation titled; the kind of Holiness that is required for making Heaven. Adelaida Carrillo hails from Bolivian where she is presently doing great exploit in kingdom service.
I was taken by Jesus Christ to both Heaven and Hell. There are
women that served God while on earth, but they didn't want to change and
accept the doctrines of God, but rather they preferred to serve God in
their own ways. This torment was worse than the one I saw before. I felt
so sorry for these women of God in Hell, because they served the Lord
while on earth.
The Lord said, “I always spoke to them, I tried to correct them with some of My Saints but they didn't want to understand the purpose.”
the Lord showed me one of these women, she was sitting on a chair which
was full of flames of fire, suddenly a demon came pouring some liquid
asked, “Lord why are you crying?”

The Lord said, “I suffered a lot for the souls that are
in Hell. She was my Saint; I corrected her not to love the world nor the
things of the world.” (1 John 2:15) the Lord was correcting her to stop dyeing her hair. “She was ashamed of the grey hair I gave her; she was trying to present herself in another form.”
My own hair was black, but I wanted it black-blue, and Jesus said to me, “Don't be ashamed of what I have given you.” The
demons continued to torment this lady, she cried to the Lord for help.
The Lord told her it was too late and she started blaspheming.
We cannot live in pretense, one day we will all have gray hair.
As the demons were pouring the liquid upon her head, her neck fell
sideways, her hair was falling down, and she stretched forth her hands
trying to seek for help.
I said, “Lord, I can't take this anymore.” I tried to cover my face because I was dyeing my hair also. The Lord said, “Don't
be ashamed of what I have given to you.” She had very long hair and was
a very beautiful woman. She wanted to be more beautiful than the way
she was, and she committed a very terrible error. If God has given us grey hair, we have to accept it, because it’s from God. I said, “Lord I didn't know that dyeing hair is a sin ... Lord help her, have mercy on her. (It’s too late).
The Lord said, “Daughter I'm going to show you women that wear make-up on their faces.”I said, “Lord, I use make-up also, I apply powder on my face to look more beautiful and cover up dark sports.” The Lord said, “Those
things do not please me, I'm only pleased with the natural look of my
Saints, a woman is to please me and her husband, so she doesn't need
make-up to look beautiful to anyone.”
I saw a woman holding a mirror in her hands and demons were
forcing her to paint her face. As she applied a liquid on her face, her
flesh fell. Perhaps you are listening to this message and saying that
make-up is not a sin.
I will tell you this now; when God speaks, we all have to obey. That woman disobeyed God while she was on earth, she was using make-up and now she is in Hell. She is in Hell now, being forced to paint her face day and night. I saw other women in Hell, who using make-up on earth.
I will tell you this now; when God speaks, we all have to obey. That woman disobeyed God while she was on earth, she was using make-up and now she is in Hell. She is in Hell now, being forced to paint her face day and night. I saw other women in Hell, who using make-up on earth.
The Lord said, “Those things don't please me, do you remember when I said he who loves the world is an enemy of God?” We have to obey the Bible: 1
John 2:15 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the
world, if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
We will all be judged with this word. All types of make-up you use on earth, you will use it there in Hell too. I was using wet-lips to make my lips shine and get attention from others.
We will all be judged with this word. All types of make-up you use on earth, you will use it there in Hell too. I was using wet-lips to make my lips shine and get attention from others.
I said, “Lord forgives me, because I was guilty of this.” The Lord said, “I'm
doing this because of the Love I have for your soul, to bring the fear
of its gravity into you, for you to understand the gravity of the
consequences, so that you can tell the others to stop using make-up”
ALSO READ; The Harmful Effect Of Immodesty Dressing In The Church.
ALSO READ; The Harmful Effect Of Immodesty Dressing In The Church.
The woman was in flames and being forced by the demons to keep
painting her face. I saw her lips fall off. Women of God, don't look at
your neighbor, look at your own life today and pray unto God and say,
“Lord, what are the things that I'm doing that don't please you?” ask
the Lord and He will give you an answer. God stills gives answers today.
The Lord says “Now I'm going to show you where women that use
jewelries are.” The Lord has told me that we must not hide from others
what He has blessed us with." I saw a woman who was being forced by
demons to wear earrings on her ears.
A very big serpent came to her as she put the earrings on and
wrapped itself around her neck. The Lord is totally against women that
use Jewelry. I protested, “But Lord, this is just an ordinary jewelry.”
The Lord, “My daughter those things don’t please me”
The fifth encounter of punishment of women on artificial hair and attachment in hell fire is culled from Rachael Mushala Testimony of Hell. Rachael Mushala hails from Zambia and the Lord has reveal several revelations against immodesty dressing of women in the church.
There was a white woman in hell. Even though the Lord had
blessed her with long hair, she went and extended it. This woman was
naked and in serious flames that looked like liquid fire. All she would
do was screamed, scream and scream. Her hands were lifted up and she
said, “I am here because I used extensions.” I saw another section of
hell for those who change God’s image.

The Lord allowed me to hear the thoughts of one woman there. Her
hands were clasped together and worms were pushing their way up between
her fingers. She was looking up to heaven with a frown on her face. She
was thinking, “Lord, is my daughter being taken care of on earth? How I
wish someone would tell her not put all those artificial things I made
her to be doing.” I understood that she meant artificial hair, painted
nails, etc.
Please come back to the Lord and be proud of how he made you.
The devil will entice you to sin on this earth but will laugh at you in
hell and call you a fool. There is no chance of ever getting out of
The Lord said He doesn’t want Christian women to be artificial
in any way; He said He doesn’t want them to use artificial hair, jewelry
(ear rings, bracelets etc.), artificial eyelashes, artificial nails,
paint nails, lipstick, eyebrow pencil, or use any of that makeup.
He wants them to remain the way they were created. Be proud of
how He created you. That’s what pleases him. When He said this, there
was anger in His voice, He said, “Why are you trying to change what I
have created? I don’t want those things on my children. If you want
those things, why don’t you make your own humans that you are going to
put those things on.
ALSO READ; The Biblical Scriptural Reference On Christian Women Dressing.
Don’t change what I’ve made! “All these artificial things are from Satan. I don’t want them on my children,” Jesus doesn’t want them. Get rid of them and repent. They will lead you to hell. The Lord showed me something very shocking; I saw a demon in form of a woman and it was wearing all that stuff: artificial eyelashes, lipstick, and tight clothing.
It was only then that I realized where these things originate from Satan himself. He told us how these things are from hell and Satan has brought them to earth to deceive humanity. I am saying it as the Lord said it. It’s my responsibility to warn you about this, because we are all going to face God one day. I am telling you the truth. Jesus doesn’t like those things. He is pleased when we remain the way He created us; this is what He told us.
ALSO READ; The Biblical Scriptural Reference On Christian Women Dressing.
Don’t change what I’ve made! “All these artificial things are from Satan. I don’t want them on my children,” Jesus doesn’t want them. Get rid of them and repent. They will lead you to hell. The Lord showed me something very shocking; I saw a demon in form of a woman and it was wearing all that stuff: artificial eyelashes, lipstick, and tight clothing.
It was only then that I realized where these things originate from Satan himself. He told us how these things are from hell and Satan has brought them to earth to deceive humanity. I am saying it as the Lord said it. It’s my responsibility to warn you about this, because we are all going to face God one day. I am telling you the truth. Jesus doesn’t like those things. He is pleased when we remain the way He created us; this is what He told us.
The sixth encounter of punishment of women on artificial hair and attachment in hell fire is culled from Richard Antwi who hails from Ghana.
I was taken to a point by the Lord where a woman who used attachment, wigs, and the makeup on earth before dying and going to Hell. This woman was trying to remove the attachment; she was wearing all the time and the wig. They have used a special instrument, a sharpen blade to remove the front part of the head and then the back as well.

They were removing it all around and while they were trying to
do was that they had a special fork it looks like a crane machine that
they place on the head to pull what the woman was having off with the
skin attached to it, so that she will feel the raw pain.
The woman was really, really crying. The nails too, they were
removing the nails painfully, pulling it [from] her own nails. In fact,
the Lord showed that any woman—that put these things on, when you get to
hell, the demons will take it by force from you.
So if it is the face paint you have used, they will be pulling
your checks to remove the paint. If it is the lipsticks, they will work
on your mouth. So it was so disastrous, so painful that in fact, I
couldn’t look at it. I saw that people were really suffering, gnashing
of teeth, crying for help.
We went farther and I saw an earthly woman. The woman’s hair was so much that it was being cut by certain demons; immediately they cut the hair, within seconds it would grow again. They were packing it. They cut it, they pack it and it grows; that was the way those demons behind that woman was doing.
We went farther and I saw an earthly woman. The woman’s hair was so much that it was being cut by certain demons; immediately they cut the hair, within seconds it would grow again. They were packing it. They cut it, they pack it and it grows; that was the way those demons behind that woman was doing.
Cutting the hair and packing it. Then others too were cutting
the nails of this woman; they cut it, immediately, it is replaced. The
third thing that I saw was that there was a tube connected to the
private part of this woman through which she releases her menstrual
blood, onto this earth.
1. The Lord told me that those three things
coming from the woman are all brought to this earth. Firstly, He said
that the blood coming from the private part of this woman, they use it
to make certain things, like make up, that women use, the lipsticks,
finger paint and all that. He said that immediately you put the lipstick
on, it gives you the lust of the flesh.
ALSO READ; The Assignment Of The Queen Of Coast Against Christian.
ALSO READ; The Assignment Of The Queen Of Coast Against Christian.
You become a prostitute. You will always be lusting. You will go
after certain men or you will always lust after them. When you put it
on, you’ll have the lust of the flesh, you either go after men all the
time or the men come after you all the time.
2. Then the hair that they were cutting, He
said when you put it on it means that you forever belong to the enemy,
because you have Covered the Glory of the Lord given to you, as well as
artificial fingernails. When you put it on and the Lord does not
intervene and have grace upon you, you will definitely be the property
of the enemy forever.
Brethren, the Lord has said in the scripture Psalms 139:14
that He has fearfully and wonderfully made us, meaning that we are
really made beautiful. God has fearfully and wonderfully made us; we
need nothing to add to our bodies before we’ll be wonderful or beautiful
in the sight of men.
Even when you go to 2 Corinthian 7:1, the Bible
tells us that for us to have perfect holiness in the sight of God; it
says our bodies, our spirit and our souls, are all to be blameless. We
are to remove every evil thing from our bodies, our souls, our spirits.
The seventh encounter of punishment of women on artificial hair and attachment in hell fire is culled from Revelation of Heaven and Hell by Ezekiel Moses.
And behold, we were looking down into the world. And Jesus said, "Can
you see what is going on in the world? I want to tell you, I want to
show you what is going on in the Church, especially my children, the
kind of lives they are living on Earth”
Jesus Christ said, 'I will show you three parts. People
have forgotten that (1 John 2:15-18; Scripture that says) Do not love
the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for
the Father is not in them. They are forgetting that I told them, I am
not of the world, so likewise they are not of the world” And when Jesus Christ was saying all this, he started shedding tears because of you and me.

And He said, “Let me show you.” And He showed
me the women, the men, and the ministers of God. Can you see my
children, the way they are dressing, coming to my father's house? See
those women. They say they are clean, they are born again, their name is
written in the Book of Life,
they are claiming they are coming to heaven, but yet let me show you
what is stopping them from coming and entering my Father's kingdom”
And Jesus Christ said, “Can you see these women, those men, and
ministers of God (in three parts). And He said, 'Look at the women! You
see them? See these people that are perming their hair? Attachments,
earrings in their ears, putting chains on their necks, Can you see them
with the trousers and mini-skirts...some painting their fingers, some
painting their lips?

Some bleach their body.' And Jesus said, 'Tell them!
That none of them...if My Father asks the archangels to blow the
trumpets, none of them will enter My Father's kingdom. "Then He said, 'Look at the men. Can you see them? The way they are dressing?
All kinds of style in their hair, some with the knickerbockers (men's or boys' baggy, knee-length trousers), some loosen their (shirt) buttons, their chests, and are walking like rascals coming to the house of God?' And Jesus said, 'I tell you; none of them will enter My Father's kingdom"
All kinds of style in their hair, some with the knickerbockers (men's or boys' baggy, knee-length trousers), some loosen their (shirt) buttons, their chests, and are walking like rascals coming to the house of God?' And Jesus said, 'I tell you; none of them will enter My Father's kingdom"
He spoke about women who wear trousers to do government jobs
like climbing trees and so forth. He said, "No heaven for you." "Why
not ask the men to do that job?" He said that some pastors will argue
that we must obey the government. But he asked, "Are we supposed to obey the government or obey God?"
ALSO READ; Worldly Appearance Of Women And Her Punishment In Pit Of Hell.
ALSO READ; Worldly Appearance Of Women And Her Punishment In Pit Of Hell.
All you brothers with earrings, or (punk) hair, (other hairdos),
no heaven! And to wrap it up, you brothers and sisters, (with) no
perming, no earrings, etc., dressing in holiness, and you think you are
going to heaven, but you have lust. What is going on between you and
your husband? Some of those here are doing things that are wrong"
"Some of you are not wearing attachments, earrings, etc., and
you are dressing in holiness. But when you get to the judgment, they
will say you have unforgiveness. And the angel will say, 'Depart! You
workers of iniquity, No attachments, earrings, etc., but she has what is
called a spirit of unforgiveness."
You have just read 7 different encounters of divine revelation of artificial hair and punishment of women on attachment in hell fire and we believe the warning message has been passed. Eternity is so real and it just seconds away.
We would urge you does whatever necessary to ensure you cut off from every form of artificial hair and women attachment, be natural and Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven, Matthew 5:16 " In our next topic we shall treat the reason why "artificial hair dressing needs to be avoided in life of christian women" and we believes you shall be blessed.
You have just read 7 different encounters of divine revelation of artificial hair and punishment of women on attachment in hell fire and we believe the warning message has been passed. Eternity is so real and it just seconds away.
We would urge you does whatever necessary to ensure you cut off from every form of artificial hair and women attachment, be natural and Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven, Matthew 5:16 " In our next topic we shall treat the reason why "artificial hair dressing needs to be avoided in life of christian women" and we believes you shall be blessed.